Inter-Agency Agreement 2022 (WADNR/WFS)
- By: admin
- On: 06/28/2022 16:01:25
- In: Association News
- Comments: 0
Over the last year, we have continued to work cooperatively to review and update the Inter-agency Agreement (IAA) template that is utilized between Washington Department of Natural Resources and Washington Fire Service agencies. It has been the goal during this recent review and revision to produce an agreement that will meet the broad needs of both groups. That updated template is attached, and we ask at this time that you distribute it to all Fire Chiefs and WFS agencies thru your listserv distribution process with this memo attached.
- Limited mutual indemnification language with removal of the previous language
- Clarification on self-insurance language.
- Insurance limits aligned with other agreements in place.
Attorney Brian Snure has provided a summary of changes to the associations that will be distributed under separate cover for all agencies to review. The 2022 IAA provides the framework and necessary language to better support the relationship between the agencies. The agreement has the full support of organizations that participated in the reviews and agencies are encouraged to adopt the provided template agreement by contacting their appropriate DNR Region to complete and execute.
Transmitted by:
Leonard R Johnson
Fire Chief
Washington FDC Chair cover_FINAL_06242022(2).pdf (Wildfire Suppresion and emergency response)_Final_2022(2).pdf
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