Event Calendar

Thursday, February 6, 2025

2025 Fire Commissioners & Chiefs Legislative Day

Date(s): February 6, 2025

Time: 8:00 AM  PST - 10:00 AM  PST

LOCATION:  Legislative Building, Columbia Room
DATE: 2/6/2025
EVENT FEE: $40.00

This annual event, which includes a continental breakfast, workshop, and time to meet with your legislators, provides an excellent opportunity for members to discuss issues with their legislators that directly impact the fire service. 

-Registration/Breakfast: 8am-9am
-Workshop: 9am-10am
-After 10am: Meet with legislators 


  • Make appointments with your legislative representatives and senators.
    Call the office, introduce yourself, tell the legislator or the legislative assistant what you would like to discuss, and make an appointment for a visit. Use the “Member Rosters” or “Find your Legislator” options to find the phone numbers.
  • Plan Your Visit Carefully. Be clear about what it is you want to achieve.
  • Be Prompt and Patient. When it is time to meet with a member, be punctual and be patient. It is not uncommon for a member to be late, or to have a meeting interrupted, due to the member's crowded schedule. If interruptions do occur, be flexible. When the opportunity presents itself, continue your meeting with a member's staff.
  • Be Prepared. Whenever possible, bring to the meeting information and materials supporting your position. Members are required to take positions on many different issues. In some instances, a member may lack important details about the pros and cons of a particular matter. It is, therefore, helpful to share with the member information and examples that demonstrate clearly the impact or benefits associated with a particular issue or piece of legislation.
  • Be Informed. Members want to represent the best interests of their district or state. Wherever possible, demonstrate the connection between what you are requesting and the interests of the member's constituency. If possible, describe to the member how you or your group can be of assistance to him/her. Where it is appropriate, remember to ask for a commitment. Remember that the member does not have to be in your political party to help.
  • Be Responsive. Be prepared to answer questions or provide additional information, in the event, the member expresses interest or asks questions. Follow up the meeting with a thank you letter that outlines the different points covered during the meeting, and send along any additional information and materials requested.

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WFC Motto:
To Serve Educate & Lead

WFC Mission:
Providing leadership through service, education and advocacy.