Fire Chief
This is an exciting opportunity to lead a well-established Fire District poised for growth and expansion. The Fire District is seeking a strong, forward-thinking leader capable of driving big-picture strategies and initiatives. The new Fire Chief will have the chance to immediately contribute to a strategic direction and long-term vision already being developed by the district. Success in this role requires the ability to build strong relationships and unite all stakeholders around a common purpose. The Fire District’s relationship with the community needs improvement. The new Chief will have to work to rebuild ties with key community leaders and organizations. These relationships are critical to the successful management of a small-town Fire District. This position provides an experienced leader with a challenging and rewarding opportunity to make a difference. If you have the experience, passion, and determination to make a lasting impact, this may be the opportunity for you.
The Fire Chief is the Chief Executive Officer of the District, responsible to the Board of Directors for the effective, efficient and legal conduct of the district. The Fire Chief plans, organizes, coordinates and directs the administration and operational activities of the district. This position is appointed by, and serves at the pleasure of, the Board of Commissioners. Through the chain of command, the Fire Chief is responsible for the general supervision of subordinates, their safety, training, and job performance. As a chief officer, the Fire Chief shall respond to command emergency incidents. The Chief will be expected to respond after hours and weekends to incidents, to also include acting as a duty officer weeknights and weekends routinely. The annual average standby hours is 2670 hours not to include worked holidays.
Adams County Fire District No. 5 is located in Eastern Washington State and is in the heart of the Columbia Basin between Columbia Wildlife Refuge, Hanford Reach National Monument and several thousand acres of recreational and agriculture-based lands. Our protection District is 215 miles and has 8,000 to 9,000 populations depending on the time of year. Our department is a combination department with three (3) career staff members, one (1) office assistant, eighteen (18) volunteer firefighters and (6) six support staff members. Governed by a three-member community elected Board of Fire Commissioners, the District operates with a 2025 budget of $610,312. The district has two fire stations, offering essential fire protection, and rescue operations. Currently EMS services are provided by the Othello Community Hospital with District 5 responding to traumatic accidents and cardiac events when requested. The annual average call volume is 300. ACFD5 currently has a cooperative fire protection agreement contract with US Fish and Wildlife, BLM and DNR as well as an MOU with the City of Othello that will expire in May of 2026. The long-range growth potential of the district and the surrounding region has yet to be achieved. Industrial development and resulting population expansion is expected to continue for decades to come. Our hub location allows us to draw from and support a large area, leading as far as Spokane, Moses Lake, Royal City, Connell, and the Tri-Cities area.
Primary Functions
• Develops and proposes annual budget, strategic plan, and service delivery plan to Board of
Commissioners: monitors and controls the budget and plans, supervises acquisition and disposition of capital expenditures.
• Directs members of the department through the chain of command.
• Within Incident Command System, commands activities of personnel during emergency incidents; shall function on scene in subordinate roles.
• Promotes positive relations with other agencies to ensure appropriate mutual/auto aid responses, and goodwill among other departments and the public.
• Within the limits of the adopted budget, directs the administration of the department, including goals stated in the strategic and service delivery plans, applicable laws, rules and policies.
• Attends Board of Commissioners meetings and work sessions; prepares and presents reports to directors on operations and administration of department; makes recommendations for board policy/procedures changes; identifies discrepancies between actual performance and adopted goals, objectives and budget.
• Appoints, promotes/demotes, transfers and terminates career and volunteer members.
• Coordinates mutual/auto aid agreements with other agencies, with neighboring County Emergency Plan, and department plans.
• Supervises the development and enforcement of regulatory ordinances and codes regarding fire prevention and community safety.
• Provides directions and guidance to chief officers in the planning and implementation of operations, programs, training and personnel management.
• Selects, supervises, trains and evaluates assigned staff.
• Takes appropriate safety precautions, anticipates unsafe circumstances, and acts accordingly to prevent accidents. Responsible for the safety of self, others, and equipment. Uses all required safety equipment and procedures.
• Performs related duties as required by the Board of Commissioners to meet the needs of the district.
• Trains and completes certifications to maintain or improve skills and perform effectively as a Fire Chief.
• Enforces department policies, procedures, rules and regulations.
• Develops rules and procedures as necessary to implement and enforce the rules, policies and procedures established by the board or imposed by controlling law and the district employee handbook.
• Develop and maintain positive, effective relationships with district employees, Board members, other emergency service agencies, other government agencies and the public.
• Review and act upon any complaints from the public or other agencies relating to district rules, policies and procedures.
• Responsible for continually evaluating present and future emergency services and fire prevention needs of the property and citizens within the district’s jurisdiction, citizens passing through the district, the districts emergency services obligations to other agencies through intergovernmental agreements, mutual aid agreements, auto-aid agreements or otherwise, and develop or update district master/strategic plans to meet the present and future needs of the district.
• May be required to work extended periods.
• Performs other duties as assigned.
Review fire and life safety plans for code compliance.
Submit resume and letter of Interest to Adams County Fire Protection District 5, 220 S Broadway Othello WA. 99344 prior to
March 11th 2025.